Staff Picks!
What should you read next?
NovelList and NovelList K-8 offered through the BadgerLink database portal provide fiction reading advisory services for all ages.
Read More >Library Catalog
Click here to access the Northern Waters Library Network catalog. With a library card you can directly request, renew, and can check the status of items either checked out or on hold.
Digital Library
Download FREE e-books, music, & videos with your library card! Download the Libby app, select Northern Waters Library System, then enter in your library barcode number.
What's NEW at the library?
Let us keep you up to date on our newest materials and latest Library Happenings! Sign up for our free email newsletter and be the FIRST to know about events at the library as well as our newest materials for all ages!
NewsBank offers a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S., including the Superior Telegram and the Duluth News Tribune. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
The BadgerLink* database portal offers Wisconsin residents access to business, health, literature, magazine and newspaper resources, many available in full-text.
Hoopla Digital!
Hoopla is a web and mobile streaming platform for audiobooks, comics, e-books, magazines, movies, music, and TV that can be used on mobile devices, desktop computers, and "smart" TVs! **Access to this resource is limited to Superior & Douglas County residents only**