Hoopla is a groundbreaking digital media service offered by your local public library that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! Titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later. Hoopla offers hundreds of thousands of titles to choose from, with more being added daily. It's like having your public library at your fingertips. Anytime. Anywhere.

What's Hoopla?

Hoopla is a web and mobile streaming platform for audiobooks, comics, e-books, magazines, movies, music, and TV. You can use it on mobile devices, desktop computers, and there are even apps for Roku, Apple TV, and other "smart" TVs.

How do I sign up?

Visit https://www.hoopladigital.com/ to create an account using your email address and library card number.

Who has access through Superior Public Library?

Only Superior and Douglas County residents with library cards can use Hoopla.

How is Hoopla different than Overdrive/Libby?

On Hoopla, everything is always available. There are no waitlists or holds.

How many items can I check out?

Each patron can check out FIVE items per calendar month. **Starting September 1, 2024, patrons will be limited to THREE checkouts per month.** Checkouts reset on the first of each month. Unused checkouts do not roll over to the following month.

What are the checkout periods?

  • Ebooks/audiobooks: 21 days (3 weeks)
  • TV/Movies: 72 hours (3 days)
  • Music: 7 days (1 week)
  • Magazines: 7 days (1 week)

What if I need help?

Visit https://www.hoopladigital.com/help for troubleshooting and tech support.